Harvest User Contributed Code

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Russian Harvest User's Manual

Andrew Malashevic's Russian translation of Harvest User's Manual. A newer version might be available at his Harvest site.


nbrkstats is a script to analyze Harvest broker's log file and generate nicely formatted statistics. It was written by Guido Kerkewitz based on BrokerStats. You can test it at the Harvest Demo site.

Sample configuration file for Apache HTTP Daemon

Sample configuration to "Include" to your Apache HTTP daemon's httpd.conf.

Sample startup scripts and crontab

Sample startup scripts and crontab from miscellaneous sources.

Prototype to index Squid Cache Objects

This is a prototype to use Squid Cache as additional Gatherer for Harvest. It scans Squid Cache object directories for HTML URLs and creates a SOIF stream which can be piped to template2db to create a database suitable for export by gatherd.

Possible improvements would be:

How to build SP and add HTML4 suport to SGML Summarizer

Instructions (in German) by Leonhard Knauff how to build sp and how to add HTML4 dtd to Harvest.

Bibliometric Ranking Prototype

This is a bibliometric ranking prototype for Harvest. It counts the number of documents pointing to a document. This number might give some ideas about the impact (and importance) of a document.

News url hostname patch by Colin Smith

Harvest's gatherer creates news urls like "news:comp.infosystems.harvest" but in some situations it may be useful to have news urls with hostname like "news://some.news.server/comp.infosystems.harvest".

Redirected and Broken Link Object patch by Reinier Post

This is a patch to create SOIF objects for redirected and broken links. It can be used for checking links with Harvest's gatherer.

Harvest log file analyzer by Eric Lease Morgan

These scripts create a HTML formatted report of search patterns.

Patch to compile Harvest on AmigaOS

This patch from Diego Casorran enables to compile Harvest on AmigaOS. It was tested on an Amiga 1200 with 68060/66, 128mb ram, OS v3.5, GG Enviroment (snap99) IXEmul v48.2.

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